The software of system is composed of center control module, initialization module, data processing module, data processing module, graphical display module, data storage module and the auxiliary functions module. It fulfils signal acquisition, processing, analysis and display. 该系统的软件由主控制模块、初始化模块、数据采集模块、数据处理模块、图形显示模块、存储打印模块和辅助功能模块七部分组成,实现了对应变信号进行采集、处理、分析和显示。
The function module of the software system named RE-S 1.0 is analyzed, and the system is divided into the machine control module, picture collection and processing module, data processing module, output management module, display of data module and so on. 分析设计了结构光测量仪软件系统RE-S1.0的基本功能,按需求把软件系统分为机械控制、图像采集与处理、数据处理、输出管理和数据显示等模块。
The satisfied visual display results for the geological data were obtained by developing the visual display module based on existing software. 通过在现有的图形环境中进行图形模块的开发,实现了地质勘探结果的可视化,取得了满意的效果。
Amplifier visualization system will display the data from the detecting module in viral system and the engineering can maintain the entire overlay network according to the status of the amplifier via the visualization system. 监控区域放大器可视化系统对放大器的无线网络环境监测模块检测到的状态数据进行实时的显示,工程维护人员可根据可视化系统上放大器的状态数值对整个覆盖网络进行维护。
For the display module, with the related content of the data management module, it makes a detailed description of the process of the report generation. Finally, it summarizes the research contest of the full text, and discusses the future research directions. 对于显示模块,结合数据管理模块中的相关内容,详细描述了报表的生成过程。最后,对全文的研究内容进行了总结,探讨了下一步的研究方向。
The structure of the software is divided into four modules, which are the interface control and display module, the data reading and writing module, the data processing module and the signal combining module. The principle and realization of eath module has been introduced respectively. 将软件划分为界面控制和显示模块、数据读写模块、数据处理模块和信号合成模块,分别介绍了各模块工作原理及实现方法。
Including control instrument and set parameter module, gather data module, display data module and manage database module total four modules. 包括仪器控制及参数设置、数据采集、数据显示及数据库管理共4个模块,同时为本系统设计了上位机与下位机之间的通信规约。
Including power supply module design, timing module design, display module design, key adjusting module design, the data acquisition module design, data processing module design, bluetooth communication module design and antenna design. 包括供电子模块设计、计时子模块设计、显示子模块设计、按键调节子模块设计、数据采集子模块设计、数据处理子模块设计、蓝牙通讯子模块设计和天线设计。
According to the demand of system, the serial communication module, print module, display module, keyboard module and data processing module are designed. 按照系统功能要求,设计了串口通信模块、打印模块、数据处理模块、显示模块、键盘处理模块等。
System completes sensor detection signal input, conditioning, storage and liquid crystal display, by means of file system to manage collected data, liquid crystal module instead of upper computer software to realize dynamic waveform display, reserved for a variety of interfaces to facilitate extensions. 系统完成传感器检测信号输入、调理、存储和液晶显示,借助文件系统对采集数据进行管理,液晶模块代替上位机软件实现动态波形显示,预留多种接口方便功能扩展。
The technology of auto/ single sampling display based on dual memory system, including the data sampling, the control circuit of memory, the module of data compressing, the dual memory system and the time generator circuits design. 3. 基于双存储系统的自动/单次采样显示技术:包括采样电路的设计、存储控制电路的设计、等效数据压缩的设计、双存储电路的设计以及时钟电路的设计。
Display data module using Qt/ Embedded graphics library, write graphical user interface, the interface dynamic display detected dust concentration and corresponding particle number. 显示数据模块利用Qt/Embedded图形库,编写图形用户界面,在此界面上动态的显示检测到的粉尘浓度及相应的粒子数。
This thesis divides the whole display system into three modules: data communication module, data handling module and data display module, and accomplishes a comparatively complete design of data display system eventually. 本文将整个显示系统分为3个模块:数据通信模块、数据处理模块和数据显示模块,并详细介绍了各功能模块的设计和程序实现,最终完成了一套比较完整的数据显示系统的设计。
During special display, the display often designed as a complex data processing system. There are high-speed CPU 、 large-capacity solid-state memory and high-speed graphics accelerator module embedded in it. 在专用显示中,往往将显示系统设计成一个复杂数据处理系统,内部嵌入高速处理CPU、大容量固态存储器和高速图形加速器等各种模块,构成嵌入式系统,直接连接到数据总线上。
The system includes data acquisition, data processing, data display, and several other parts, namely, intelligent scheduling management module, GPS module dynamic monitoring and management, basic data configuration module, data acquisition module, data communication module, the database. 本系统包含数据采集、数据处理、数据展示等几个部分,分别为智能调度管理模块、GPS动态监控管理模块、基础资料配置模块,数据采集模块、数据通讯模块、数据库。
There are some modules in the interface software, such as serial communication port control module, data acquisition control module, data waveform display module, data storage module, data playback module and the system working state display module. 上位机监控程序的功能模块包括控制串口通信的模块、控制下位机数据采集子系统工作的模块、数据波形显示和数据保存模块以及数据回放和采集系统的工作状态显示模块。
According different functions, the framework is divided into the four ‐ layer architecture: display, business logic, persistent data and domain module. 框架从功能角度主要为四层结构:显示、业务逻辑、持久化数据以及域模块。
The main work completed focus on two modules, one is display and control module and the other is data communication module, and at last, the system was integrated. 完成的主要工作集中在FMES的显控模块和数据通信模块,并最后集成了整个系统。
The PC converts the voltage-form data into the display in temperature, using VC++ language to accept data, achieving communication module. 上位机采用VC++语言编写实现串口通信模块接收数据,并把以电压形式的数据转变为温度显示出来。
The software includes the parameter input module, the reliability optimization module, results display module and the data storage module. 软件主要包括参数输入模块、可靠性优化与结果显示模块以及数据保存模块。
Then, the paper emphasizes on the development of embedded application software, describes the common modules of the software such as communication module, database management module, display of data module. 接着本文重点讲述了应用软件的开发,分模块介绍了应用程序中常用功能模块的设计,包括:通信模块、数据管理模块、数据参数的波形显示模块等。
The system software modular design includes startup program interface module, data acquisition module, data display module, data processing and analysis module, database module, diagnostic and alarm module. 系统软件设计包括:启动界面模块、数据采集模块、数据显示模块、数据处理模块、数据库管理模块、诊断报警模块。
The parameters setting module, collecting control module, data display module, real-time monitoring module, limiting value alarm module, data analysis module and data storage module are presented. 再次,设计了系统的总体功能结构,提出了系统的参数设置模块、采集控制模块、数据显示模块、实时监测模块、限值警报模块、数据分析模块及数据存储模块。
Among them, the main control module includes the modules of LCD display, key control, U disk, GPRS, power supply, complete the function of human-computer interaction, data transmission, power supply, control data collection of the measure module. 其中,主控模块搭载液晶显示、按键控制、U盘、GPRS、电源,完成人机交互,数据传输,供电,控制测量模块进行数据采集的功能。
Using the real-time displaying module to display some needed data in the software interface, and making the slag judgment by decision-making module at the same time in order to achieve the effect of real-time slag detection. 利用实时显示模块在软件界面上显示需要的参数数据,同时利用决策模块进行钢渣含量判断,以达到实时出钢口钢渣含量检测的目的。
This study focuses on software design and implementation of the upper computer, including the database module, the system registry and user management module, serial communication module, data processing and results display module, historical data management module, test results report generation and so on. 重点是完成上位机软件各模块的设计和实现。其中包括数据库模块、系统登录与用户管理模块、串口通讯模块、数据处理与结果显示模块、历史数据管理模块以及人机交互界面模块等几大模块。